
Corradi at Meesters in de Tuin: devoted to outdoor design excellence.

Corradi at Meesters in de Tuin: devoted to outdoor design excellence.

40 selected companies, 500 architects attending, a location with a high aesthetic and architectural value. On October 19th, Corradi will represent “Made in Italy” at Meesters in de Tuin, in Cuijk, The Netherlands. One day dedicated to meetings, thoughts and brainstorming between master companies and landscape architects, organized by Inspyrum, a Dutch company well kown in the outdoor industry.

At Meesters there will be lots of activities: not only meetings focused on outdoor design but also the opportunity to see the solutions offered by the attending companies, including the bioclimatic pergola Alba by Corradi.

Design, project, inspiration: it’s Meesters in Tuin. It’s Corradi.

Complete agenda and tickets available at