
Corradi at Romazo business day

Corradi at Romazo business day

A special event will offer Corradi the chance to get in contact with the leaders of the sun protection business in the Netherlands: this is the “Romazo day” on November 6th, organized by the association of the sector.


From 12 to 9 PM, the convention center Spant! in Bussum will welcome more than 100 participants, with the aim to let them know how to succeed through the cooperation and with Romazo Garant, the brand name made to mark the most professional producers and dealers for shutters and outdoor solutions in the Netherlands.


Corradi will attend the meeting as a partner of Romazo, in order to offer quality solutions to make outdoors comfortable, ensuring they can withstand even the harshest weather conditions while retaining unmistakable style: a mix of functionality and design which characterizes Corradi custom-made outdoors, thought as a living space for many months out of the year.