
Wedding Oasis, the winners of the design competition promoted by Corradi in collaboration with YAC have been awarded

Wedding Oasis, the winners of the design competition promoted by Corradi in collaboration with YAC have been awarded

Over 2000 designers participating from 91 countries.
Set in the charming setting of Rosciano's Castle, “Wedding Oasis” is the event sponsored by Corradi in collaboration with Yac-Young Architects Competitions that has focused the attention on the relationship between contemporary interventions and ancient architectures, between man-made spaces and natural contexts.

The competition has in fact called for the creation of complementary locations in relation to the wedding ceremony, for which the castle is nowadays suited: extensions, pavilions and new architectures able to consolidate available spaces making them functional to the specific needs.

The challenge proposed by Corradi was collected by 1,274 teams, 2007 designers, coming from 91 countries.

30 finalists, 10 honorary mentions and 8 Gold nominations instead of the 6 initially factored by the Jury, as an evidence of the qualitative level of the projects.


Here the 3 winners, to whom Corradi sends its special congrats:

1st place to the "Under the cloud" project from the Polish team A2T.

2nd place to SUPERplum team, Arezzo (Italy).

3rd place to TEA Studio, Cardito (Naples, Italy).


Our gratitude also goes to the Jury and the Partners who made this competition possible, thanks to their meaningfully contribution to the positioning of the proposal, their expertise and influence.

Corradi c’è.

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